Massage is personal. There is no one-type-fits-all solution. Different modalities address different issues.


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We believe the different modalities of massage to be branches on the main tree of wellness. None is more important than the other, and they work together as elements of general wellness. Therefore, we use a combination of several types of massage in our sessions. You may specify your desired experience, but there is no cost differentiation between them. You are paying for the session alone. We will determine together what may be best to focus on during your session.

Deep Tissue

Deep tissue massage is generally a modality to consider for athletes as well as the eight-to-five desk job. Muscles easily become tense and deep tissue massage can relieve some chronic patterns of pain and tension, specifically in the back, shoulder and neck areas.  

Swedish Massage

Therapeutic massage doesn’t need to be painful to work. If you’re looking for relaxation, there’s nothing better than a Swedish massage. This modality focuses on calming the body, reducing tension in the muscles, and increasing overall blood flow. This type of massage can even break down scar tissue.

Sports Massage

Whether you’re a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior, regular massages can help you stay on top of your game. Try this type of massage to ease muscle pain and stiffness, improve performance, prevent injury, and keep you moving.

Trigger Point Massage

Exercise is beneficial for the body, but sometimes, we do too much! Continuous movement often leads to irritated tissues and contracted muscles that just won’t move. These become your body’s trigger points, and this type of massage can help. A trigger point massage is designed to relieve pain, reduce chronic injuries, and help muscles function properly.

Stretch Massage

Stiff muscles and joints are not only painful, they often limit the body’s range of motion. Stretching compliments all types of massages, and can even help your therapist work more effectively.

Prenatal Massage

During pregnancy, your body is changing every day, which can lead to new aches, stress, and tension. Give yourself some extra support and schedule a treatment with one of our certified prenatal massage therapists.

30-Minute Massage


60-Minute Massage


90-Minute Massage


120-Minute Massage
